AI and the Future: What Lies Ahead?

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the use of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think, learn, and act like humans. AI is designed to perform specific tasks and solve specific problems.

Is AI a substitute for humans?
This is a serious question that needs to be addressed seriously. We have voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, which are also forms of AI. AI is a very powerful tool for various tasks, such as education, health care, everyday tasks, and many more. But is that a bane or a boon? We need to resolve this before it’s too late.

As artificial intelligence is a part of technology and has many platforms, like Google Chrome, Safari, Chat-GPT, and OpenAI, the list is long enough to remember. Do these platforms divert our minds? Maybe. Soon after Chat-GPT was released, students (including me) lost confidence, a worst-case scenario that I regret like many others. I would always think about my assignment projects, mathematical calculations, and so on to supplement them with more relevant data. But alas! Chat-GPT and other AI sources have closed the doors for me. This virtual bot has eased my nerves, but on the other hand, I have compromised my research.

We have enough knowledge to find our own answers and solutions to problems. We can use AI platforms not as a source but only as a tool. I firmly believe these platforms are destroying our knowledge and straining our intellect. Overusing these platforms has negatively impacted our knowledge. We shall become forever dependent on these virtual bots and never be able to succeed in life if they are not kept in check or banned, at least at the school level.

I think we should all change ourselves before it is too late. In the near future, AI may take over our professions. We may soon be out of jobs. Robotic technology will take over the world. It is up to us how we frame our future—whether we let science win over us or let the human intellect be preserved on the shelves of ignorance. We must defeat these technologies, which have been created to replace us.

Education systems must emphasize minimizing the use of artificial intelligence. As students, we must rely on our own intellect to understand concepts independently. Overrelying on AI and virtual bots will hamper our critical thinking abilities and problem-solving skills.

“There is no substitute for hard work.” – Thomas Edison
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

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