Ski School Program Participant Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Declaration
The last date for submitting nominations is 9th January 2022, and the dates for the batches will be communicated after the nominations are received. (Grade 5 to Grade 10 only)
Name of the Child*
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name*
Indemnification of Risk: I Parent/Guardian understand that there are inherent and other risks involved in the sport and that injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence. I understand that these injures might not only result from my ward’s actions, but the actions, inactions or negligence of others.
Assumption of Risk: My ward shall be responsible for his / her safety while participating in the Ski School Program or other sports (running, skiing, tubing, snowboarding, walking, racing etc.) with Foundation World School Ski Club at Gulmarg and that such responsibility includes being physically and psychologically prepared to participate, familiarizing with the sport before beginning and using an equipment safely. I assume all risks, both known and unknown, connected with my ward’s participation.
Waiver: Being aware of the risks and willing to assume them, I hereby release from any legal liability Foundation World School Ski Club, their agents, club administration staff, coaches, employees as well as the owners, manufactures and distributors of equipment provided to my ward from liability from injury or death to the person enrolling for this course or to any other person or damage to property resulting from my ward's participation in the Ski School Program and competition and for any claim based upon negligence, break of warranty, contract or other legal theory, accepting myself/my ward the full responsibility for any such injury, death or damage which may result. I intend for this waiver and release to also apply to my relatives, personal representatives, heirs, beneficiaries, next of in and assigns. This agreement is governed by the applicable law of land. If any part of this agreement is determined to be unenforceable, all other parts shall be given full force effect. This waiver does not release acts of negligence nor wilful and wanton misconduct of any party.
I have read this agreement carefully, understanding that I give up substantial rights by signing it and sign it voluntarily. I also acknowledge that I am not concealing any serious medical condition of my ward.
Child’s Name*
Child’s Admission No.*
Grade*—Please choose an option—Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10
Gender*—Please choose an option—FemaleMaleOther
Pin Code*
Contact No.*
Shoe Size*
Skiing Ability Level*—Please choose an option—BeginnerSome ExperienceAverage ExperienceGood ExperienceAdvanced
Beginner: Student has never done skiing / riding.
Some Experience: Student has been skiing but has not yet mastered the ability to stop on easier terrain.
Average Experience: Student is well-balanced and is able to stop on easier terrain.
Good Experience: Student is able to stop on easier terrain and has been introduced to turns. Student is confident on all easier terrain and is ready to venture into steeper terrains.
Advanced: Student is confident on all easier terrain and has already explored steeper terrains. Student is looking to learn different techniques for skiing in variable snow conditions and/or at higher speeds.
Please do your best to estimate student’s ability level. (We will do a ski-off during the first class, but it is helpful to have an idea of ability beforehand).
In case of emergency and the parent(s)/guardian(s) cannot be reached, please contact one of the following persons:
Please list any other information we should know about your child:
Thank you for your form submission. We will get back to you shortly.