Cultivating Mental Wellbeing  


Cultivating Mental Wellbeing

Aisha-Binti-Khurshid G7

Mental health is a state of well-being in a person’s mind that enables them to face the hardships life has to offer and be the best version of themselves. It is essential to overall health as well as efficiency since it encompasses emotional, psychological, and social matters. Ever since the pandemic, cases concerning mental illnesses have been increasing stealthily, especially in young adults and teens. The COVID-19 pandemic forced people to remain in their homes, away from any kind of social interaction. This cutoff from society has caused many people to experience sickening feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. And to make matters even worse, the constantly rising death rates across the world cast a gloomy shadow over the globe. Countless people lost their loved ones and their jobs. In a desperate attempt to cope with their loss, many reached out to social media as an escape from reality, while others delved into substance abuse. Although it can prove itself to be quite challenging, there are still ways to recognize the early stages of mental disorders. Some signs of mental illnesses to look out for include: 

  • Lack of motivation.
  • Unusual or illogical thoughts.
  • Changes in sleeping or eating patterns.
  • Poor concentration or memory.
  • Withdrawal from social interactions.


Mental illnesses can be prevented by improving the quality of your life by following good mental health practices. Having support from family and friends boosts your overall well-being. Nowadays, everyone has a lot on their plates, often exceeding their capacities. In our tightly packed schedules, it is important to step out for a while and relax. Each day, take at least half an hour for yourself and make sure you get sufficient sleep to maintain a healthy lifestyle.