Well Begun is Half Done!


Well Begun is Half Done!

Haya Fatima G8 Diamond

All excited over writing a blog, I wondered over my previous feelings and emotions: would I ever write a blog that would be posted for a varied audience to read? Here I am, blogging! Cut, stitch, and sew you into a seamless fabric that is soft to touch and pleasant to the eye—but it’s up to the readers to decide. In the very beginning, I thought that writing a blog was something beyond my capabilities, but the way one first dive into water the first time you try to swim, paddle, and struggle! Yes, that’s the way I dove to struggle in the battle to write a blog—worth enjoying. I sat down calmly, and with all the power I had, I picked up the buried determination of my heart and the pen. And I spilled up all my experience and wondered if ‘you’ might relate to what I have. Nervousness on one hand, excitement on the other. The battle field seems both horrible and appealing. So finally, pen is mightier than sword, pen conquered, and I yelled, “A sudden, first-time blog experience!”